Winter Blog

What a lovely Christmas and New Year at Top Riley. Many wonderful guests enjoying the peace and quiet and having a great time with each cottage decorated for Christmas. We had so many lovely comments and saw in the new year with excitement of what is ahead of us. We have started off as we mean to go on, busy! A rush of last minute bookings with guests wanting to get away from the hustle and bustle of life. So glad we had the cottages re-painted and looking at their best ready for this unusually busy January. This week in particular has been stunning at Top Riley and my new year’s resolution to get out and walk has been very successful so far. This week I have explored Horseshoe Quarry. This is only a 20 minute walk from the cottages and is part owned by British Mountaineering Council. It is a great location for rock climbing and exploring nature and I couldn’t believe I had not come across this before. 

The walk to get there took me through Cucklet Church and Eyam Delph. I was naively expecting a building of some sort but it is a beautiful limestone craglet that forms a cavern with two large arches. From 1666, the larger of two archways became the pulpit for the  village rector, William Mompesson. From here, he could preach into the valley and be heard by his congregation, gathered in disparate family groups on the opposite hillside. 

My second walk this week was exploring Eyam Moor. It was idyllic and the trig point at Sir William Hill is a place I will go to in the summer to watch the sunset. We did not see another walker for two hours as we explored and mentally I came home rejuvenated and at peace. 

What nature can do to our minds and bodies is brilliant and I am even more passionate about our cottages and the wonderful holiday they can offer those who like to get out and explore. If I was going back to a roaring fire and a dip in the hot tub then I would truly be having a wonderful time.

Come and explore, we are waiting for you…


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Holiday Cottage Eyam Rainbow over garden

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Eyam Museum

20 minute walk into the village, opposite the playing fields

Eyam Museum aims to open Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 with last admission at 15:15. The museum closes at 16:00. It is advisable to pre book tickets on the website. The museum will give you a real insight into the history of Eyam and the details of the plague through detailed local accounts of how it spread, who died and who survived.